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Sills 125 SW is specially designed for topwater game, it has a shallow lip to give a natural smooth action, especially when you slow jerk it or slow retrieve it, the lure will give you real live bait response. You can target on surface King Mackerel, Bonito and Trevally species on shore and shallow water you can target rock fish species. To achieve the highest performance, we highly recommend matching this lure with a light casting rod, not exceeding 45G as max lure weight
16 G
125 mm
3X # 4
Slow Sinking transfer weight balance / super cast
Best Use
Shallow & Water Game

Color Chart

S125 sw - 001
White Tiger

S125 sw - 009
Rainbow Transparancy

S125 sw - 011
Real Sardine

S125 sw - 012
Brown Sardine

S125 sw - 013
Spotted Trevally

S125 sw - 015
Silver Red Head

S125 sw - 016
Pink Sardine

S125 sw - 017
Silver Glow

S125 sw - 019
Yellow Sardine

S125 sw - 021
Pink Sardine

S125 sw - 022
Green Sills

S125 sw - 025
Lemon Shell

S125 sw - 026
Blue Red Sardine

S125 sw - 028
Black Sardine
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