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MAGNET 110 SW designed for salt water game targeting either fast moving fish on surface or bottom fish in shallow water. Magnet has transfer weight mechanism to let the anglers reach the highest casting distance and the dynamic shape gives the lure dart action when twitch it or jerk it. To achieve the highest performance, we highly recommend matching this lure with a light casting rod, not exceeding 45G as max lure weight
18 G
110 mm
4X # 4
Fast Sinking
High Rolling / Wobbling Action

Color Chart

MG110 sw - 001
White Tiger

MG110 sw - 005
Metallic Green

MG110 sw - 007
Silver Red Tail

MG110 sw - 009
Rainbow Transparency

MG110 sw - 011
Real Sardine

MG110 sw - 012
Brown Sardine

MG110 sw - 013
Spotted Trevally

MG110 sw - 017
Silver Glow

MG110 sw - 021
Pink Sardine

MG110 sw - 022
Pearl Red Head

MG110 sw - 023
Gloden Trevally

MG110 sw - 025
Lemon Shell

MG110 sw - 026
Red Blue Sardine

MG110 sw - 027
Rainbow Fire Transparency

MG110 sw - 028
Black Sardine
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